Everyone thought he was too fat to dance. He leaves them speechless

Passion plays a pivotal role in dance, alongside technique and style. The protagonist in this video defies the conventional notion that one must have an ideal physique to create beautiful choreography.

Dance is often viewed as an art form that demands grace, precision, and lightness of movement, with a prevailing belief that it requires a perfect physical form. But is this really the case? By classical dance standards, the protagonist in this video doesn’t possess a slim or flawless physique, yet his enthusiasm and inner strength have made him an exceptional dancer, adhering to the classical canons of dance.


At the outset of his performance, doubts loomed among the onlookers, skeptical about his ability to deliver a remarkable show. However, as soon as Aoniken Quiroga took the floor with his partner Alejandra Mantinan, he left everyone speechless and in awe.

Their chemistry is undeniable, their steps exude a light and nimble quality, resulting in a well-executed choreography that’s a sheer delight to behold.

This performance radiates rock and roll charm and exudes a contagious positivity that’s bound to lift your spirits.

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