Polish Rapunzel: 34-year-old girl has not cut her hair since childhood, now her hair is longer than her height

Malgorzata Kulchik is 34 years old, a girl of Polish origin. He is currently studying at the Faculty of Informatics in London. But Malgorzata boasts not only of her knowledge, but also of the beautiful and dazzling hair she has grown since she was a child.

The beauty never cut her long hair, only cut her ends, and that was about five years ago. At the moment, her hair is about 158 cm long, which is 3 cm longer than her height. Of course, her gorgeous hair has aroused the envy of other women and girls several times, and her partner insisted that Machgorzata had cut her tarpaulin, and as a result she is now growing her own hair. And men, in turn, are absolutely fascinated by this beauty.Rapunzel was only able to wash her blond hair and do various hairstyles once a week. And for more fun and whispers, she also uses them instead of skirts. Nature has endowed the girl with blue hair, but she makes her own cream with oil paint, which gives her hair a beautiful color and shine.
Malgorzata advises all those who want to grow beautiful and long hair for themselves, to be patient and definitely look after their health, as this is the main guarantee of healthy hair.