13 YEAR OLD Angelina Green Wins GOLDEN BUZZER on America’s Got Talent!

A 13-year-old songstress by the name of Angelina Green deeply touched the hearts of the America’s Got Talent judges with her remarkable voice and a poignant story that highlighted how singing became her refuge.

As she stepped onto the stage, a warm smile graced Angelina’s face as she introduced herself to the judges. Yet, when the question of why music held such a special place in her heart was posed, her emotions welled up, and she struggled to hold back tears.

“In my younger days, my dad left us one day and never returned,” Angelina Green revealed in a prerecorded segment, her voice trembling with vulnerability. “We were left with nothing. The threat of eviction loomed over us, and I can vividly recall overhearing my mother’s conversations with homeless shelters. The fear of ending up on the streets was truly terrifying for us.”

“That’s when music became my savior,” she continued, her eyes glistening. “It provided me with a sanctuary of my own, a place I could escape to whenever I needed. When I sang, all my sorrow and troubles dissipated into the melody.”

As the euphoria of her performance washed over her, Angelina Green found it impossible to contain her tears of joy. The judges and the audience alike rose to their feet in an outpouring of appreciation.

Angelina’s audition was a showcase of her astonishing vocal range and the enthralling emotional depth she poured into her rendition of The Pretenders’ classic, “I’ll Stand By You.”

Witness her remarkable performance in the video below!