The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson would at times have shocks. Some of the time there’d be a noteworthy story told in a meeting. At times it would be basically as wild as Kermit the Frog visitor hosting.

In this episode from 1976, John Wayne makes an unexpected appearance. John walks around from in the background as Johnny discusses who will be on the show that night.
Ed gives an ‘good gracious,’ and the crowd acclaims as Wayne enters the stage. He’s wearing a tuxedo and has a mustache. Wayne professes to have strolled onto the wrong set.
After Johnny’s hand, Wayne takes a seat, and they start an improvised meeting. Johnny comments that he heard Wayne was in the structure. Wayne answers he was available for a Dean Martin broil.

Wayne raises the Wall Street Journal article about Carson. Carson expresses gratitude toward him for the commendation. The two famous people have a concise conversation about sure and pessimistic press.
Wayne, staggering for words, allows Carson to talk. Carson asks what Wayne is doing, and the Western star states gladly that he’s going to Carson City. Carson discovers some humor in the connection, and Carson noticed he’s never seen any connection to people there.
Carson then discusses Wayne quitting any pretense of smoking. Wayne discusses how he wants to still smoke but that he can’t.
Attempting to be friendly, Ed, sitting close to Wayne, offers him espresso. Wayne says he can still drink a touch of espresso. Subsequent to taking a taste, Wayne states cheerfully, ‘This is the sort of espresso I like.’
Carson then works about the Swing Out Sweet Land hour and a half extraordinary that Wayne will show up at. Wayne discusses the show and how his old buddies at first put it on. Carson recollects that it too, talking about Jack Benny.
Carson inquires as to whether Wayne has any forthcoming undertakings. Wayne says his most recent film will be known as ‘The Shootist.’ In that film, Wayne plays a gun slinger, however Wayne specifies gun slingers in the wild west were called shootists.
Carson then raises how a few Western legends had grieved pasts. Wayne confesses to this but that occasionally you should retaliate in the same way.
Carson talks about how a few men would kill each other from behind. Wayne concedes he might’ve done that assuming he was frightened of the guy he was battling.
As the meeting closes, Carson expresses gratitude toward Wayne for coming on the show. Yet again wayne likewise compliments Carson on that awesome article. Wayne leaves the stage as the band plays him off the show.
‘The Shootist’ would be John Wayne’s last film job in 1976. He would pass on in 1979, abandoning a tradition of many Western movies.