Nothing breaks my heart like one dog in the cold. The only worse thing is that the dog is a puppy. Unfortunately, many puppies and kittens are left alone to die. Well, this dog was not abandoned; separated from the owners. When he went out for a walk, a loud noise struck him, and ran away so that he would not be seen again.
As the sky darkened, the owners had to admit that they may have lost their beloved puppy. They did not know where to look, and since the sun no longer helped them in their search, they had to resort to lanterns and streetlights. But soon even this was not enough, and they were very tired.

Returning for the night, the owners could only hope that the puppy was alive. In the morning they will resume their search. Maybe even the local rescue organization will pick him up. Then they can find him at the shelter.
But hope began to fade when the night got much colder than expected. As usual, the meteorologists were wrong, and the temperature dropped to almost zero. This meant that the puppy’s life was in danger. If he doesn’t find shelter overnight, he will die. Then the family would not have a puppy that they considered part of their family. It will go away forever and the children will cry.
In the morning, someone came across a puppy. Miraculously he survived the cold night. But he did it with the help of a new friend. And the photos of the meeting went viral on the Internet.

As fate would have it, the puppy came across a caring goose. The bird wrapped the freezing puppy up in its wings and allowed the puppy to benefit from the natural shelter of the goose feathers. Goose feathers are great insulators, so the puppy really got a warm night’s sleep.
All night, the puppy was wrapped in the goose’s caring wings. Then, in the morning, this lone passerby happened upon the scene and saw the most miraculous thing – the goose was saving the life of the puppy. Not only did the goose display empathy and caring for another creature, but it had also done so for an animal of a different species.
This person snapped photos of the goose with its wings wrapped around the puppy. It was a very heartwarming moment. The goose even seemed to open its wings to show off the puppy to the person, as if to declare to the world that it was doing a good deed for a puppy in need.

The goose allowed the people to take the puppy from its possession. It had done what it needed – kept the puppy alive for the freezing night. Now it was up to the human beings to show the puppy the care it needed to get reunited with its forever home.
In the end, the puppy was reunited with its owners.