Young woman with speech impediment deeply moves everyone in room

I lost it when her Dad came out to hug her. ❤️

Connecticut native Amanda Mammana stood on the America’s Got Talent stage just like everyone else, hoping to show the world just how talented she is.

The only difference is, Amanda has a speech impediment.

It becomes apparent during her pre-audition interview with judge Howie Mandel.

Howie asks the usual introductory questions, with Amanda taking some time before responding. Then she opens up.

“As you can probably tell, I have a bit of a speech impediment,” Mammana explained to the four judges. “It was definitely something that caused me to shy away and to hide, but I found that I don’t stutter when I sing.”

Now that’s something else!

The 19-year-old songwriter chose to sing an original composition of hers, which in itself is already impressive.
All four judges and the audience were listening with interest, wondering what Amanda had in store for them.

“It’s just about hard times and if I could go back and change those things I wouldn’t, because they made me, me,” she says about her song.

Her father stands backstage with host Terry Crews, emotional and looking very concerned for her.
Amanda begins strumming her guitar on stage, then proceeds to sing powerful lyrics.

Words that brought everyone to tears.

“But what if I could go back in time and change the way I felt about my life.

But then would I still have inside everything that brought me back to life,” she sang.From a young girl with a speech impediment, to a moving singer-songwriter who had the show’s judges and the audience hanging on to every word she sang, Amanda exuded power and grace.

“You spoke to us very honestly about the issues you have with your speech,” added Simon Cowell. “It’s terrifying auditioning when you don’t have an issue like that, and then you were amazing. I mean your voice is so pure, so beautiful and also you’re a good songwriter and an incredible person. I’m so happy you came here.”

And with that, Simon gives her the first yes, with the other three following with yeses.

We can’t wait to see more of Amanda. check out her moving audition below!