The most blatant disrespect of their marriage came when the couple appeared on an episode of “The Rookies.”
Love is love.
It comes in all shapes, colors, and forms.
This paramount human connection holds true in different circumstances, no matter the place and the people involved.

But it wasn’t always like this.
Back in 1691, the Maryland General Assembly passed a law banning interracial marriage.
The situation was exacerbated by the Civil War and by the 1920s, it was a law in almost 30 states.
Through that storm of hate and prejudice, love, as powerful as it is, endured.
It was 1966, and interracial marriages drew a few odd looks.
That was the least of reactions, however, because sometimes it could be more violent than that.
In that year, two people decided to still tie the knot.

Georg Stanford Brown and Tyne Daly knew that they want to be together and were willing to fight against the prejudice they would face.
The two were bright stars in their own right.
Brown worked as a janitor just to pay for his admission to the American Musical and Dramatic Academy where he met his wife.
He was known for his roles in “The Rookie”, “Roots, and “The Comedians.” He also won a Primetime Emmy Award for Best Director for “Cagney & Lacey.”

Daly found her passion in the theater.
She also worked with Brown when she starred in “Cagney & Lacey.”
Later on, in 2011, she was inducted into the American Theater Hall of Fame.
Through their first years, Brown and Daly ignored people’s opinions.
But you can’t turn your other cheek to everything.
One of the most blatant actions against their marriage was when Brown and Daly appeared on the episode of “The Rookies.”
The couple shared their first on-screen interracial kiss which prompted censors to delete the scene altogether.
They were unmoved. And with the support from their families, they insisted on airing the segment.
They wouldn’t have to hide for long, however.
In 1967, a court decision would send ripples throughout the nation and set a new precedent based on liberties and love for all coming times.

Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled in favor of the Lovings in Loving vs. Virginia, and finally struck down the laws against interracial marriages.
He said that the ban infringes on the rights of people under the 14th Amendment.
But even before that, Daly loved Brown not by his skin, but as a human being.
She didn’t consider their marriage as “interracial”. She insisted that it was the same union as any other couple who decided to settle down.

They had three daughters, Alisabeth Brown, Kathryne Dora Brown, and Alyxandra Beatris Brown.
And while they got divorced after 24 years of marriage, they still showed people that love is love, no matter the color.
And even after their divorce, Daly continued to fight for the love they got to experience.
After one of her performances, Daly made a speech after the U.S. Supreme court ruled in favor of the legalization of gay marriage.
As someone who faced discrimination through the expression of love, she rose to fight for others as well.

“Hate is very strong, but love is stronger.” She said in her speech, quoting a line from a newspaper.
Hear Tyne’s moving speech in the video below!