Jennifer Moore has a six-month-old baby, Elsie, who loves to share toys with their 11-week-old puppy Mabel. Elsie and Mabel are always together and are like twins.
Mabel is like a baby and enjoys lying down on her back and playing with various colorful mobiles. She loves poking them with her paw and grabbing it with her mouth.
Elsie does the same thing without the biting. Sometimes they lay beside each other and play with the same toy. Mabel has a bit more mobility, even as a young pup.
It’s an adorable sight watching them together. Mabel sometimes doesn’t know how big she is, and her paws get on Elsie while they are beside each other.
Elsie doesn’t seem to mind that Mabel rolls all over her. She is doing her best to grab her toys and learn to sit up and stay up, just like her friend.

When Elsie isn’t in her baby bouncer, Mabel will hop in it and chew the dangling toy as much as she can. Mabel is a feisty puppy, and Elsie has a lot to learn from her.
Jennifer can’t get enough of her bonded puppy and baby. She watches them closely and records every precious moment they share together. Eventually, Mabel and Elsie will be running around side by side.