The little Chinese boy came on stage and started dancing. He managed to make the jury laugh

Children sometimes surprise with their imagination, their emancipation and their artistic sense. In China, a three-year-old boy named Zhang performed in a talent contest. Her performance pleasantly surprised the judges and viewers. Usually the children are shy and afraid of the scenes, but this is not about Zhang. From the first minutes on stage, he felt very free and confident.

The boy arrives in the middle of the stage and begins to communicate with the judges. After talking to the jury members, Zhang hands over control of the speaker to the judges and declares that he will dance to any song they choose.

Taking the remote control, one of the jury members presses the button and the child begins to dance cool on a modern tube. Zhang’s moves are so funny that the audience and judges are instantly thrilled. The most interesting thing is that three-year-olds have a very weak sense of rhythm and, moreover, cannot clearly coordinate their movements in it. However, Zhang is clearly not one of them.

Zhang Junhao from Shandong Province. He told the jury that he really liked dancing, because when he dances, his mother smiles, and a smile is happiness. The little boy touched everyone in the room with his words. At the end, he asked if they were happy, which completely baffled the judges. They didn’t know what to say to the child.

When children dance, it is as if the soul rejoices – it turns out to be so sweet and sincere for children. In addition, well-dancing children are flexible, plastic, all their movements seem much easier than adults. For many children, dancing can be a means of self-expression. Dancing allows restless children to direct their energy in the right direction. And it helps quiet children to open up and become bolder.

Little Zhang has a certain talent, with such artistic talent that he performs on stage, not at all embarrassed by the stage and the audience. After participating in the contest, the boy became famous for all of China, and then for the whole world. Video with her dance posted on all social platforms on the Internet. Most likely, Zhang will have a brilliant career as a dancer or a theater and film artist.