Ava Marie and Leah Rose were born on July 7, 2010 in California. Their birth was eagerly awaited by relatives, Jackie’s mother, father, but also an older brother.
Seven years have passed. The girls grew up and thanks to social networks became real stars who won millions of hearts with their beauty.
This is what the newborn twins looked like.

When she appeared with children in crowded places, her mother constantly heard words of admiration for her daughters and advice to send their photos to modeling agencies.

After the girls turned seven, Jackie posted photos of her beauties on social media.
The result was not long in coming.
Offers from modeling agencies fell like a cornucopia.

The girls agreed to try on the model pictures, showing great interest in the modeling business.
True, their mother warned them that this activity should not interfere with swimming and dancing lessons.

Now the lives of beauties consist of their daily shots.
By the way, their older brother was also offered a job in modeling agencies.
May the charming twins of the later life be accompanied only by success!