Uptown funk rings again! Last summer’s hit song may not be as airplayed on the radio as it used to be, but people of all ages in all parts of the world agree that Bruno Mars’ famous song n is nothing less than a resounding success. Your opinion may not be the same as many people’s, but we found a video that demonstrates our point. It’s a song that even the little ones love. Ethan Turn was in the car with his niece when she heard the first lines of Uptown Funk on the radio.

She sat intently as the song began, then the pace finally picked up. When she does, her reaction is just adorable. We know you’ve danced like this when your favorite song plays on the radio. This girl is no different and she starts dancing while sitting in her car seat. Little ones always tend to tell the truth, and even more so when they convey it not with words, but with gestures.
This little girl was sitting in the back of her aunt’s car when she suddenly starts playing Bruno Mars’ hit, Uptown funk. In the video below you can see how she nods her head to the beat of the music and finally she can’t help herself and she starts dancing with a lot of energy. Even at the end of the song, she claps her hands as a sign that she loves him.