Despite all she’s gone through, Sarah Frei continues to inspire the world with her smile and bravery.
Sometimes, life just throws a huge curveball at you, and you have to deal with it. For this girl, she kept going even though that curve ball took away most of her.
Sarah Frei, 17, was riding home from Bear Lake with her friends when they were hit by a drunk driver.

This is why you hear “Don’t drink and drive” all the time. What may be a leisurely convenience for you could be the end of someone’s life.
You have plenty of time to enjoy that Budweiser when you get home. Leave it in the bag for now and drink it when you get home. It’s not worth the risk to you or the person you might hit.
The vehicle hit the car she was in, and she suffered the worst out of anyone in the car. Her three other friends were far from unscathed, but they would recover.
Sarah suffered internal bleeding, a damaged aorta, spinal fractures, and more fractures to her face and limbs.

It happened so suddenly that Sarah barely recalls anything from when she was in the car. One moment, they were driving through a canyon. The next, she was trapped in the car with numerous broken bones.
In an instant, Sarah was paralyzed from the waist down. There was no blood flow in her legs, and things weren’t looking good.
She needed both legs amputated above the knee and spent 2 months in the hospital.

Sarah suffered severe spinal injuries and needed some of her intestines removed.
At that age, most teenagers would be getting ready for college. But fate wasn’t so kind to poor Sarah. Now she was in the for the fight of her life.
It’s not easy to get back on track after such a tragedy, but life was still worth living.
“I just remember this feeling of knowing that I’d be okay.” she said
Sarah had to relearn how to do many things. From getting up in bed to rolling over.

It can feel demoralizing and frustrating to have to relearn how to do a simple task. Most people don’t even have to think about it.
But Sarah undertook the challenge like a champ.

She was a cheerleader, after all. She knew better than anyone that some motivation and hard work can take you places.
She wondered and ask her mom if she’d ever drive or swim again. Her mother answered yes to everything she asked.
Sarah would need a wheelchair for the rest of her life, but she was still alive.
She’d been through more than most kids her age will ever have to experience.
A surprise awaited her when she came home. Everyone she knew greeted her with a parade that they organized themselves.

She arrived home just in time too. It was the last football game of the season, and she was able to join her fellow cheerleaders on the field.
Sarah, unfortunately, had to miss her senior year homecoming dance. But some of the homecoming dance came to her.
Her friends and schoolmates would visit the hospital and hold up signs outside that read, “We love you, Sarah.”
COVID-19 restrictions were strict then, so this was the best they could do.
But Sarah was one hell of a fighter, and these kids knew it.

As if Sarah hadn’t made big enough strides already, she planned to do school work while rehabilitating.
Her plan was to become a teacher after graduating with her class.

I know she can do it. She’s done harder things.
“I think it’s good for other people to know that they’re not alone, and that’s something that I’ve learned.” she said
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