What Nadia Suleman looks like today, who in 2009 gave birth to eight children, having already six children

In 2009, Nadia Suleman gave birth to octuplets, adding to the six children she already had. All of the babies were born thanks to IVF, which was very dangerous for the health of the mother, but everything went well. Today, we will tell you about the fate of Nadia Suleman, who is raising 14 children.

Having already six babies, the woman wanted to get into the Guinness Book of Records. She decided to give birth to the largest number of children at once.

Then, the husband Suleman, after learning that the woman became pregnant with the help of IVF and even with a large number of children, left her, which led to a scandal.

Undoubtedly, the birth of eight babies at once caused a furor in America, but Nadia did not get into the Guinness Book of Records because soon, in India, a woman gave birth to eleven children at once. Now the woman is raising her own children, she admits that it is not easy. In a month, the whole family spends about 5 thousand dollars.

On the Internet, Nadia has many fans who admire and support her, but there are also detractors. The latter certainly recall the stormy youth of a woman. To date, Suleman has left her rampant life behind and has completely devoted herself to children.

The twins are already adults and try to help their mother in everything. In general, the family looks very happy. When the mom needs to rest, she prefers to do it in the gym, spending time with benefits.