A mother in the United States decided to make a unique and creative decision for her daughter’s birth – she opted for a home birth. After much planning, the family welcomed the arrival of their new addition in the comfort of their own home, making it a memorable and intimate experience for the whole family.
Rebecca, a mother of two, wanted to make her daughter Hunter feel involved in the process of welcoming her new sibling into the world. Assisted by a doula and a birth photographer, Rebecca gave birth on her living room couch, so that her daughter could be present and part of the experience.

At first, Hunter was reserved but slowly became more involved in the process, gently stroking her mother and offering words of encouragement. When her new brother arrived, the midwife invited Hunter over to be the first to touch him. She eagerly reached over and touched his head, remarking “it’s squishy.”
Some may question the idea of including a young child in the birthing process, but Rebecca justifies her decision by saying that involving her daughter in all aspects of her new sibling’s arrival allowed her to form a strong bond with him from the very beginning. Through skin-to-skin contact and other interactions, Hunter was able to connect with her new brother and the moment was intensified.

The birth photographer explained that Rebecca talked to Hunter about what she would see and hear during the birth, so that she wouldn’t be surprised or scared. This preparation ensured that even when her mother was in pain, Hunter didn’t look away for a second.

For those interested in having a similar experience with their child, the birth photographer suggests preparing them by showing them birth videos, discussing all aspects of birth, and presenting it to them in a positive light. Birth is a normal part of life and sharing it with children can help teach them that there’s nothing to fear.

In the end, Hunter was able to support her mother and witness the miracle of birth firsthand. It was a beautiful and unique experience that the family will never forget. What do you think of including a toddler in the birthing process?