In January of that year, Viktoriya and Alexei Markovich found themselves in the spotlight when they became parents to quadruplets. This was an unexpectedly large family for the young couple from Volgograd, who already had two daughters.

“I always thought that I would have two, well maybe three children. We have two daughters, 7 and 2 years old. My husband wanted a boy, so we thought about having a third child, and I immediately became pregnant. We were sure it was a boy. But it turned out that there were four boys at the same time,” explained Viktoriya.

At the first ultrasound, all assumptions were confirmed. The doctor joked, “I see you have a whole bunch of babies there… Maybe look for the fifth one.” Now I had to get used to the idea that four babies would appear in the family at the same time.

“I was in the hospital when labor suddenly started at 29 weeks. They took me to the delivery room. It was night, and my midwife was too old to work. After all, you have to wait for the entire medical staff to come to work! My boys were premature. The doctors who were on duty at night were not enough. Each baby relied on its own brigade,” she added.

A family was blessed with quadruplets, bringing their total number from four to eight. The babies were safely delivered by Caesarean section, with the heaviest one weighing 1490 grams and the lightest one weighing 900 grams. They were immediately placed in incubators, specially designed to maintain their temperature, humidity, and oxygen levels. The brothers were then transferred one by one to heated beds. Now they are gradually being transferred to regular cribs.

The family is overjoyed with the new additions! They already imagined how their new-borns would interact with each other and grow together. They might even end up in the same class at school. This situation will require a lot of patience and support, as well as strength and resilience to raise and put them all through college.