Just when you thought things couldn’t be cuter than a little girl singing “Tomorrow” on Israel’s Got Talent, her younger sister ran to say hello. The sweet moment came in 2018, and the judges melted.
Young singer Laia Alice took the stage to sing the classic song from the musical Annie. Her beautiful voice made the judges smile and her family proudly watched her from the stage.
Laia’s little sister could be seen smiling off stage throughout the performance. When the song was over, three of the judges, as well as much of the audience, gave the young singer a standing ovation. When asked how she felt, Laia said {excited}

She ran to Laia and wrapped her arms around her as the audience cheered and awwed. Do you want to kill us? one of the judges asked, referring to how adorable the moment was.
Shy Singer Sings A Beautiful Song From Annie The Musical | Kids Got Talent