USA Mother Gives Birth to 17 Babies at Once?
According to the popular version of the story, after a successful insemination process at the Indianapolis Memorial Hospital, an American woman Catherine Bridges broke the former World Record for the most babies in a lone pregnancy by giving birth to 17 babies over 29 hours. However, the fact of the matter being, the story originated from fake-news publisher World News Daily Report (WNDR) website back in January 2014.

Like mentioned on their Disclaimer page, World News Daily Report publishes satirical and fictional articles for entertainment purpose. All later versions of the above story appearing in various websites were derived from this fictional publication. As for the picture of the 17 boys with a woman lying on the floor is concerned, it is a composite image (photoshopped one). The unusual photograph of the woman taking selfie is in fact a morphed photograph of a regular pregnant mother. And the other picture shows Dr. Robert Biter, an OB-GYN in San Diego pictured with more than 17 babies.
Original photograph of a regular pregnant mother
Original photograph of a regular pregnant mother
Similar Story in Past
A similar hoax story in the past said an Indian woman gave birth to 11 kids all at once. The reported highest number of babies born are nonuplets (nine babies), and as of this writing, most children delivered at a single birth to survive according to are eight. Nadya Suleman is the woman who gave birth to eight babies in California back in January 2009 (see picture below).

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