A Romanian woman set a world record on Sunday when she gave birth at the age of 66. Adriana Iliescu
gave birth to daughter Eliza Maria by Caesarean section at the maternity hospital in Giulesti
Bucharest, January 16.
According to the head of the hospital Bogdan Marinescu, Iliescu became pregnant after artificial insemination using donor eggs and sperm
“healthy young people”. It is also believed that he underwent
hormone replacement therapy so that her uterus could successfully accept embryos:

Eliza Maria was born about six weeks prematurely. He weighed 1.4 kilograms, which is less than half
the average weight of a child: Doctors decided to do a caesarean section after another fetus
Iliescu initially carried triplets, but one fetus died in the ninth week

of pregnancy.
It is reported that the mother and the record-breaking child are healthy and can return home in the next
few days. At 66, Iliescu is older than the Indian woman who reportedly gave birth two years ago at the age of 65:
She also surpasses 63-year-old Italian mothers listed in the Guinness Book of Records
Rosanna Della corte and Arceli Keh from California:

Despite the successful delivery, medical experts condemned this development, saying that the tension
could have been too much for such an elderly mother.” My move is “completely
irresponsible and should not continue,” said British government spokesman Richard Kennedy:
Fertility Society.

Kennedy says that pregnancy increases the load on the heart:
a 60-year-old man is likely to suffer from coronary heart disease to one degree or another:
This can lead to the formation of dangerous blood clots in the veins.:

To this are added possible problems with motherhood at such a late stage of life.
Iliescu lives a lot in Romania average life expectancy: 73 years.
“there are ethical problems for a mother who is suitable for her
daughter’s age in a great-grandmother,” Kennedy comments