The girl found in the ocean a touching letter written 16 years ago on the other side of the world

How much unknown and mysterious the ocean keeps in its waves. How many interesting discoveries were made by sailors and submariners. A student from Canada also became the owner of an interesting find. College student Nika Soadat works as a volunteer and cleans up the beaches in her spare time. One evening on the beach in the sand she saw a plastic bottle and wanted to put it in a trash bag but at the last moment she noticed that there was no label on it and something strange lay inside.

Opening the bottle, the girl pulled out a note on which something was written in an unknown language. The ink was faded but the text was still legible. Nika showed the note to her friends from college but no one understood what it said. After sometime the girl finally found out that the note was in Indonesian and that’s what was written there.

A young man named Yoris asked for forgiveness from his mother. He wrote how much he loved her and how he regretted not listening to her advice. Had being away from her, he regreted more and more that he underestimated and offended his mother. The note touched the girl to the core. She felt sorry for the guy. Most likely he worked on port ships and was away from home for a long time. Nika decided to find him through social networks, but did not find anyone with that name. Then she turned to the Indonesian community in Canada. There the girl managed to find out some information that the guy lived in a village in Indonesia and was a laborer on ships. But where he is now and what he is doing, it was not possible to find out. Despite this, the note made Nika think about the importance of appreciating parents, and not waiting until it will be too late. After all, no one loves us more than our mothers. They often see danger where we do not suspect and try to warn us. But youth often dulls common sense and we succumb to emotions, make the wrong decision.