In life, most people are given to a person to get a certain communication experience. But some random encounters become really fateful. Friends welcome to the justfun channel? Today’s story will definitely not leave you indifferent. In April 2019, at a conference in Detroit, Michigan, at a conference of people with Down syndrome, fate brought Gaby Angelini, 21, and Nick Doyle, 30. At all events, they were inseparable and quickly realized that they were created to be together all their lives.
And everything would have been fine, but in the turmoil of departure, their accompanying parents and guardians completely forgot to take the contacts of friends for their children. Nick, as a true representative of modern youth, decided to find Gabi through social networks. He succeeded. They began to correspond actively. The conversations and text messages went one after the other every day.
But there was one serious problem – the girl lived in Raleigh, North Carolina, the young man in the Canton of Ohio. They were separated by more than eight hundred kilometers, which gave hope only for a long-distance relationship. At the next summer conference, they failed to communicate, and the girl came home gloomier than a cloud. For two weeks she walked completely immersed in herself.

Then she burst into tears and confessed to her mother that she really missed Nick. The woman’s heart ached with sympathy for her daughter, and she decided to contact the young man’s mother. Together they decided that they should definitely organize a meeting of their children. The surprise came as a complete surprise to Nick and Gaby. Mary, the girl’s mother, booked tickets to Canton, informing her daughter that they were going to a conference.

Then she burst into tears and confessed to her mother that she really missed Nick. The woman’s heart ached with sympathy for her daughter, and she decided to contact the young man’s mother. Together they decided that they should definitely organize a meeting of their children. The surprise came as a complete surprise to Nick and Gaby. Mary, the girl’s mother, booked tickets to Canton, informing her daughter that they were going to a conference.

With tears in their eyes, they stand hugging for a long time. The lovers had a wonderful time, not leaving each other for a minute. Lisa Doyle admitted that she saw her son so happy for the first time in 30 years. Moms have agreed that they will organize such meetings more often. After the last joint vacation on the beaches of Hilton Head, the girl had a ring on her hand, which was presented by Nick to his future bride. Now things are clearly moving towards their wedding.

Parents see how happy their children are and rejoice with them. Genetic disease does not interfere with future newlyweds in their hobbies. Gabi has her own business — a coffee shop, which employs other people with disabilities. Nick performs in the world’s first comedy troupe organized for artists with Down syndrome – «Improvisers».

Therefore, the guys always have a busy schedule, which, however, does not prevent them from spending time with each other. There are no barriers to sincere and pure love. The main thing is that the relatives who are nearby understand and help to keep the happiness that is given to people with special needs much more difficult. That’s all friends, write in the comments if you liked this story.