Everyone’s eyes pop as a frail elderly woman begins to play

I couldn’t take my eyes off her:In a YouTube video from 2018, Eleonora Arkadyevna Breslav asks a street performer if she may play their piano. She then continued to play Franz Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 and captivated people who passed by. You would have been a happy observer if you had been a participant … Read more

Newborn Twins Battle Over A Pacifier With Adorably Funny Results

Newborn babies can fill your lives with joy and happiness. Their innocent smiles can light up your day, and their sorrows can make anybody feel sad. However, if you have a twin baby at home, your share of joy doubles up immediately. Twin babies don’t just look similar; they also tend to fight with each … Read more

Grandpa has a full conversation with his cutest baby granddaughter

Grandfathers love their grandchildren, and one grandpa had an entire conversation with his granddaughter entirely in the baby language. It was a discourse that only the two of them understood. They were in what appeared to be the grandpa’s office. He was leaning ba ck on his relaxing chair and staring intently at his granddaughter. … Read more