This couple was photographed with their six children – now watch them 30 years later when the sisters grew up and reunited

There was nothing that Janet and Graham Walton wanted more than to be parents. But what started as a natural desire to becoming a parent, quickly developed into a real life challenge for the young couple. For several years they tried to get pregnant, but without success. Finally they decided to opt for fertility treatments. … Read more

Childhood friends reunite in nursing home after being apart for 70 years

Nora and Eileen thought they’d never see each other again. But instead, they ended up coincidentally at the same nursing home and were able to rekindle their beautiful friendship. Many besties hope that they’ll get to spend their senior years together. But for Nora Boardman and Eileen Gill, it actually happened.Even after they spent 70 … Read more

Young woman with speech impediment deeply moves everyone in room

I lost it when her Dad came out to hug her. ❤️ Connecticut native Amanda Mammana stood on the America’s Got Talent stage just like everyone else, hoping to show the world just how talented she is. The only difference is, Amanda has a speech impediment. It becomes apparent during her pre-audition interview with judge … Read more