7-year-old boy was called ‘monster’ and wanted to kill himself – but then his father taught the thugs a lesson they’ll never forget

How much more can you tolerate bullying when even little kids consider suicide? Seven-year-old Jackson Bezzant was a victim of bullying and children were laughing at him most of his life. He could not even sit down to eat at school without children older than him calling him ‘ugly’ or ‘monster’. Fortunately, one of the … Read more

After adopting 4 children a Mother becomes pregnant with quadruplets

Pregnancy is an exciting time in a couple’s lives. Some couples struggle to have their own children and decide to adopt, which is also a very thrilling time. For one couple in Pennsylvania, lightning struck twice! After adopting children in 2017 to fulfill their dream of having a big family, Maxine and Jacob Young had … Read more

11-week baby girl says her first word

Wait until you see this incredibly adorable as she says her own name. Her name is Eela, and she was able to accomplish this precocious feat at the tender age of eleven weeks. Newborns love to chatter away a mile a minute, making all kinds of sounds as they discover the wonders of speech. Parents … Read more

He is 103, she is 100, and they have been married for 82 years – their secret to long and happy marriage will certainly surprise you

Married couples who stay together for decades are a pretty rare thing nowadays. The question you always ask these couples who are married for 50-60 years is what’s their secret and answer is almost always different. We remember one couple saying “never go to bed mad at each other”, which is something that stuck with … Read more

7-year-old dancer has Simon saying “I absolutely loved it”

I was literally crying from the joy of going through all this, she just looks like a doll. Here is a fact we do not often see in the UK’s talent. Judge Alessha Dixon attended a dance school, where she tried to find a beautiful little girl named Skylard Bloom. “Upstairs, studio one,” says the … Read more